Monday, July 17, 2017

Master Schedule for the 2017-18 School Year

The SCHS Master Schedule is formally released for use by SCHS students making plans to accommodate work-study program or Move On When Ready course options.  If you are a MOWR student for this coming year, and you have a completed class schedule for the fall, please email Mr. Kulp (who is away from the office the week of 7/17 through 7/21) at to set up an appointment for the week of the 24th through the 29th.  This meeting will be your opportunity to make your schedule work for both schools.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

It's Time to Get Smart about Buying a College Education

Lynn O'Shaughnessy is national expert on college admissions and financial aid. She offers parents easy to understand advice in navigating the waters of college admissions.  She is offering a webinar this week to take your level of college-knowledge to a deeper level.  Here is what she has to offer:

Colleges are businesses. When you start looking for schools, you need to be on guard just as you would walking onto a car lot. The only way to capture the best deals is to become a smart college shopper. And I can help!

I'm holding a special training THIS WEEK entitled, 8 Secrets Colleges Don't Want You to Know. Attend the one-hour online presentation and you'll discover valuable insider secrets to shrinking your college costs. 

What You'll Learn

Here's a taste of what you'll learn during this free mini workshop:
1. Letting teenagers apply to whatever universities they want - and hope for the best - can be a financial disaster. But good for colleges!

2. Many of the most popular universities can make the majority of their students pay full price because they can get away with it.  Most colleges would like to do the same, but can't.

3. Discover the invaluable tool that many colleges would prefer you don't use when comparing REAL college prices.

4. Many schools love to quote six-year grad rates which is crazy. Learn how to pinpoint four-year grad rates and compare schools within seconds.

5. Job placement figures from colleges are often bogus. Discover a reliable source.

6. Does it really matter if you attend an elite university?
Enroll now:

Tuesday (July 11) at 5:30 pm Pacific, 8:30 pm Eastern. Register now.  
 Wednesday (July 12 ) noon Pacific, 3 pm Eastern. Register now.  
 Wednesday (July 12 ) 5:30 pm Pacific, 8:30 pm Eastern. Register now
 Thursday (July 13) 5:30 pm Pacific, 8:30 pm Eastern. Register now

Everyone who attends the mini workshop will receive my brand-new resource guide - What You Need to Know About College Graduation Rates.

The guide includes grad rates for more than 700 private and state colleges.
Another bonus: Answering your college questions:

I will set aside some time during the presentation to answer college questions. 
I don't offer these open-to-the-public webinars very often, so I hope you take advantage of the opportunity this week! Enroll now!