Thursday, August 31, 2017

Miss the Freshman/Sophomore Information Meeting on Tuesday?

Well, you missed Mr. Kulp witty commentary, but at least you can have access to the powerpoint and the handouts.  If you were unable to attend, you really need to look through this stuff.  Have a great weekend!

Freshman and Sophomore Parent/Student Night PowerPoint and handouts from Aug. 29th, 2017

A Great Way to Help Your Grieving Student

Camp Magic is a weekend camp experience for teenagers who have gone through a difficult loss of a loved one.  To learn more, click on the link below.

Academic Rigor

Here is a blog post from Rick Clark, Director of Admissions at Georgia Tech.  I am sending it out to you as another point to ponder when it comes to making decisions about academic rigor- AP vs. MOWR.  It is entitled "Straight Talk," something that is often hard to get from offices of admissions. Warning: It is not sugar-coated and addresses some tough concepts in high school and college decisions. Only read it if you are ready for what the honest opinions of one admissions counselor at a highly selective college are to the questions regarding academic rigor.

Youth Empowerment Program for Young Men

We would like to cordially invite you to Project We Care, Inc.'s annual event, the S.O.S. Event (Sharing Our Strength), where we host and educate young men ages 9-18. This event focuses on topics such as making your goals a reality, mental health, and branding yourself. The S.O.S. Event is a wonderful platform to expose young men to professional men who are eager to pour their astute wisdom into them. Lunch, gift bags, and door prizes will be provided during this free event. 

I have included a clip from last year’s S.O.S. Event:

I have also included a clip from this year’s empowerment event for young women entitled the F.L.Y. Event, First Love Yourself. The SOS Event this year will be similarly structured to the F.L.Y. Event:

This event is free and space is limited! You can register starting July 23rd via

Date:         September 23rd, 2017
Time:        12:00 – 3:00 pm
Location:  General Electric Auditorium
                 4200 Wildwood Parkway Atlanta, GA 30339

Thank you,
Rosalyn Hedgepeth

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

College Fairs Bring Colleges to Your Door Step

September is a big month for local college fairs.  Social Circle students are going to have great opportunities to meet college representatives and learn more about the schools in attendance.  A college fair is a chance to meet (in many cases) the person who will read your college application, and allows you to "demonstrate interest" in the colleges you are considering.

On the surface, college fairs are a face-to-face, quick meetings that are designed to have the college market themselves to students.  But they can also be an opportunity to share who you are with a college.  Making a good impression is never a waste of time.

Here are two local opportunities to get your college groove on:

  • Athens Area PROBE College Fair- September 6th 6 pm to 8 pm.  All grade levels are invited and encouraged to attend this event where over 120 colleges from around the United States will be available to answer questions for parents and students.  Admission is free, and if you wanna take up the cool factor a notch, click here and follow the directions.  By completing this registration and printing off a bar code, you will keep yourself from having to write your name and address at every table you stop at. You will be glad you did!

  • Walton County PROBE College and Career Fair- September 7th 9 am to 1 pm.  11th and 12th grade students who complete the permission form will be taken via bus to this college and career fair for the students of Walton County.  Participants should dress for success at this event.  To gain more access to this event, please visit
Last, I would like to give you some tips and great questions to ask at a college fair that will maximize your time. 

Look for Mr. Kulp at the Athens Probe Fair!

Georgia College Is Coming to The Circle

Jillian Bolak from the Office of Admissions at Georgia College will be at SCHS on September 5th during Redskin Advisement time.  If you would like to learn more about Georgia College as a possible option for after high school OR you have already decided that Georgia College is it, you need to be at this meeting to meet Jillian.  If you would like to attend this meeting, you must register by using the link below.

Click here to register for the Georgia College Meeting

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Grade Level Information Nights- Sponsored by the Guidance Office

Here we are at the beginning of another great year of opportunities for your students to grow in knowledge and experience.  This school year has started off great, and everyone is where they belong for their classes for the 2017-18 school year.  Now, it is time to set our sights on greater things, like preparing for life beyond high school.

In order to prepare students and their families for the processes and decisions that lie ahead with college, military, technical college, or going straight into the work world, it is important that good communication be given out regarding things like admissions testing, HOPE Scholarship, admissions tips, and many more.  On two nights next week, I will be speaking on these topics, and it is truly important that you and your student give up this one hour to make yourself ready for the tasks that are waiting up ahead.  This is one of the best and only times that we will be able to go through this important information, so please make every effort to attend your grade level's meeting.  Give me an hour, and I will give you back a better level of comfort with knowing what is coming up ahead.

  • 9th and 10th Grade Information Night- Tuesday, August 29th at 7 pm in the Cafeteria.

  • 11th and 12th Grade Information Night- Thursday, August 31st at 7 pm in the Cafeteria.

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans Scholarship

The Horatio Alger Association is pleased to offer scholarships that range in value of $6000 to $25,000 to students who have significant financial need and have exhibited integrity and perseverance in overcoming personal adversity.  Students whose annual family income is less than $55,000 per year and who are United States citizens are eligible to apply for this scholarship.  Applications are due no later than October 25, 2017.  Applications can be accessed at

More information about the Horatio Alger Scholarship

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Free SAT and PSAT Help

Kaplan will be offering two free live online programs for students preparing for the September 9, 2017 ACT and the October PSAT. Would you please pass this information along to your students and families?

1. SAT Prepathon
The Prepathon offer 6 hours of free, online test prep. 
WHEN: August 27, beginning at noon ET
WHERE: Live Online

2. Free PSAT Prep Live Lessons

For the 2nd year, Kaplan will offer free live lessons convering all topics from the PSAT. If your students can't make a live session, they can view the recording of the session as long as they've registered for it.

During this program, Kaplan's expert faculty will cover the most important PSAT content and tackle practice problems in livestreaming, one-hour lessons - all completely free.

For more information and to see where students register, you can click this link:

Friday, August 18, 2017

Want to take GMC MOWR Classes?

Georgia Military College has quickly become a popular option for students who are wanting to take Move On When Ready classes.  If you are not sure what "Move On When Ready" means, it is the name for Dual Enrollment.  This program provides free college classes to qualified students.  That means good grades and solid SAT, ACT or Accuplacer test scores.  Georgia Military College offers all on-line college courses at no cost to students or their parents through the Move On When Ready program.  It is truly free.  Please note that Athens Technical College and Georgia State University also both offer similar programs with face-to-face teaching/learning opportunities.

If you would like to be a MOWR student through Georgia Military College, you have to jump through some hoops.  To learn about those, click on the top three links below.  You also need a test score.  Caroline McDade will be at Social Circle on Wednesday, September 6th at 9:30 am to give the Accuplacer to students at no charge.  IF you have not taken the SAT or ACT or did not do well enough, you can register for the Accuplacer (an admissions test that GMC and Athens Tech can use in lieu of the SAT/ACT) by clicking on that link.  If you do not register to take this test, you will not be issued a pass to come for this test on September the 6th at 9:30.

Directions for completing application process for GMC:

Testing Requirements for GMC's MOWR Program

Applications Instructions

Directions for

Accuplacer Testing:

Click here to register to take the Accuplacer on Sept. 6th

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Here Is a Big Time Resume Building Opportunity

The State Superintendent, Richard Woods, is seeking students in Georgia's public middle and high schools to be a part of his Student Advisory Council for the 2017-18 school year. These high school students will get to meet with Superintendent Woods on October 4thJanuary 18th, and April 11th (different dates for middle school students).  The application, listed below, is due on Friday, September 1st by 5pm

This is a time for students to share their experiences within Georgia's public schools, discuss state policies that impact education, along with other education-related topics, and these students also serve as ambassadors for their schools. This is a unique opportunity for students to gain knowledge about the educational system, share their opinions, and meet other students from across the state.

This is what Superintendent Woods has to say about the importance of the Student Advisory Council:

“The Student Advisory Council is an absolutely invaluable resource for the Georgia Department of Education team as we make decisions that impact students and classrooms,” Superintendent Woods said. “Nothing can replace the opportunity to hear directly from students about their experience in Georgia’s public schools and what we can improve. I’m looking forward to meeting and working with this year’s Student Advisory Council members.”

If you are interested and would like more information, see the link below, along with the application.

· Send applications by September 1, 2016 at 5 p.m. to

Are You Interested in Learning More about Going to a Military Service Academy?

Hice Announces Service Academy Day for 10th District Students
Milledgeville, GA, July 18, 2017 | comments
Milledgeville, GA – Congressman Jody Hice (GA-10) today announced that he will host his annual Service Academy Day on Saturday, August 19th on the campus of Georgia Military College.  The event is designed to familiarize students with the application and nomination process for the nation’s five military service academies.  Students in grades eight through twelve are invited to attend.  The event will take place from 1:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. in the Goldstein Center for the Performing Arts Auditorium, where representatives from the United States Air Force, Naval, Military, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marine Academies will discuss their requirements for admittance. 
“The United States Service Academies award some of the largest and most prestigious scholarships in the country,” said Congressman Hice.  “Students who earn an offer of appointment receive a top-tier education, room and board, pay, and exclusive benefits and training.  What’s more, these young men and women become commissioned officers immediately upon graduation.  I can think of no higher honor for Georgia’s 10th District students, and each year, I am proud to congratulate the elite group of leaders who attend a United States Service Academy.”
All students admitted to our nation’s military service academies must first receive a nomination from at least one member of their state's Congressional Delegation, the Vice President, or the President of the United States.  Students who are seeking Congressman Hice’s nomination should submit a completed application to his Monroe District Office by October 13, 2017.  To access the application and learn more about the nomination process, visit Congressman Hice’s website at or contact Carolyn Dallas at (478) 457-0007 or
What:  GA-10 Service Academy Day
Who:  America’s Service Academies & Students in Grades Eight through Twelve
When:  Saturday, August 19, 2017 from 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Where:   Georgia Military College
Goldstein Center for the Performing Arts Auditorium
325 S. Elbert Street
Milledgeville, GA 31061

Friday, August 11, 2017

Students Interested in Veterinarian Science- Great Opportunity!

Good morning. I wanted to reach out to you to let you know that registration for our Vet School for a Day program is now open. The registration period will end on September 1, so if you have any high school juniors or seniors who are interested in veterinary medicine, please make sure they apply before then. The event itself will be on Wednesday, September 20.

You can find more information about the program, as well as the registration documents, here - Please let me know if you have any questions, and feel free to pass along this information to anyone who would benefit from it. Thank you!

Veronica Pennington, M.P.A. 
Coordinator of Diversity Initiatives
University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine 
Office of Academic Affairs

501 D.W. Brooks Dr. 
Athens, GA 30602
p: 706-542-9386 
f:  706-542-1004 

Image resultImage result for georgia tech

Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia State University and the University of Georgia are offering you an opportunity to come to the information session that will be located in the area. They will be in Athens on AUGUST 23rd. So don't miss out! Attached is the link to the letter and flyer. Go to for more information and for signing up.

Emory University Cultural Overnight Recruitment Experience

Emory's Overnight Program

Emory College’s CORE (Cultural Overnight Recruitment Experience) visit program supports talented, high-achieving high school seniors from underrepresented backgrounds in their college search. Students invited to CORE are traditionally either first- generation college students or they are from an underrepresented cultural or socioeconomic background.

During the three-day visit, held October 12 – 14, 2017, students have the opportunity to explore our vibrant campus, interact with current students, meet committed and diverse faculty and staff, and stay overnight in residence halls.

The program is free, and travel expenses are also covered in full for students who live outside a 275-mile radius of Atlanta, Georgia. Metro Atlanta and Georgia students would be required to drive to campus.

Learn more about CORE

Who can apply for CORE?
We invite all interested students to apply now at: The application deadline is Wednesday, August 16.

We will notify all students who applied whether they have been admitted to the program by mid-September.

If you or your students have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at