Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Summer Program at Duke University- Offered On-Line

So much of what makes for a great education happens when school is out.  Summer programs provide opportunities to grow beyond what we can teach you at SCHS, and something that students in other places do regularly to grow and to demonstrate their hunger for rigor. 

Duke University is offering summer program starting in July.  This is a competitive program that will provide a student with excellent opportunities to learn about something he or she is passionate about.  Check it out!


Thursday, June 11, 2020

Where Are You Going after You Graduate?

If you know you want to go to college, but are not sure where, College tours can be a great way to "shop" your options.  Unfortunately, tours have been halted due to the Corona virus.  That doesn't have to stop you, though!  Listed below are three websites which provide virtual tours.  If the one you are interested is not on any of these three, check out that college's admissions website to see if they have an option like this.


