Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Walton EMC Scholarship

Walton EMC will offer 32 $4000 scholarships to seniors.  Applications are due by January 30, 2017.

Walton EMC Scholarship Information and Application

Monday, November 28, 2016

Read This if You Are Going to Take a Class from GMC Next Semester!!

Move On When Ready college options abound at SCHS.  If you are interested in getting in to Georgia Military College's all on-line course offerings or are already registered for a GMC class right now, this message is for you.

Complete the registration form below if you would like to participate in the GMC event planned on the 7th of December 7th at 9 am in the media center.  Only students going to GMC are allowed to take the Accuplacer with GMC on this day.  If you were hoping to take the test to use at another school, you will have to take it from the school you are wanting to go to.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

GMC Registration Day

If you are a current GMC student:
You will need to plan on being at this meeting on December 7th at 9 am in the media center.  At this meeting, you will:

  • return books from this quarter, 
  • turn in the Participation Agreement form (Click HERE to print it out and have your parents sign it). 
  • Complete the Move On When Ready Application 
  • register for your next class(es)
  • Fix your schedule at SCHS to work with your GMC class
  • Formally approve your GMC class so that you will have it paid for by the State of Georgia

If you (a 10th, 11th or 12th grader) want to take classes through GMC second semester and are NOT a current student at GMC:
You will be taking the Accuplacer test which you have to have a qualifying score on in order to be a GMC MOWR student.  Also, you must have at least a 2.5 GPA at SCHS to be eligible.  Click HERE to see the other qualifiers.  If you earn a qualifying score on the Accuplacer or have one already on the SAT or ACT, in addition to the testing, you will also complete the following:

  • turn in the Participation Agreement form (Click HERE to print it out and have your parents sign it). 
  • Complete the Move On When Ready Application 
  • register for your next class(es)
  • Fix your schedule at SCHS to work with your GMC class
  • Formally approve your GMC class so that you will have it paid for by the State of Georgia

*** If you do not attend this event, you cannot take a GMC class in January.

Move On When Ready Information Night

If you are interested in earning college credits while you are still in high school, increasing the rigor of your high school course load, and finding ways to cut the cost of college, then you are definitely interested in Move On When Ready.  Move On When Ready (MOWR) is a program the the State of Georgia has put into place that allows students to take some or all of your classes at a local college and then have those credits be added to the high school transcript and count toward high school graduation requirements.  Parents will remember this concept as "dual enrollment." MOWR options are available to all grade level, high school students and are a great way to jump start your life toward your future goals.

As great as this program is, there are some important things that students and parents have to know about navigating it.  Please make plans to be at the Move On When Ready Information Night on Thursday, December the 1st at 6 pm in the Cafeteria at Social Circle High School.  Due to the complexity of this great option, communication is critical to help you avoid bumps in the road.  At this meeting, you will complete important documentation that will declare yourself a 'MOWR Candidate.'  This will help keep the lines of communication open between you and the counselor.  It will also help the counselor to be aware of your intentions moving forward, anticipate your needs and help with cutting through the red tape.

We will see you this Thursday night!

Valdosta State University Is Coming to The Circle

Brittany Blaschke from the Office of Admissions at Valdosta State University ( will be here at Social Circle High School on December 8th during your advisement period to meet with any student who is interested in learning more about Valdosta State as a great option for higher education.  Whether you are a freshman or a senior (or somewhere in between), you are welcomed at this meeting.  All that is asked is that you complete the following registration form no later than December 6th.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Are You Worried Where Your Next Meal Is Coming From?

FoodFinderGA is a free smartphone app developed by a Georgia public school graduate. It is available on the Apple App Store or Google Play right now (search: foodfinderga)

The app creates a 100% anonymous, direct connection between students who need food with their closest free food provider.

Both the FoodFinderGA app and the website - - are year-round resources, but data shows a dramatic increase in use when school is out of session, and the need for food is greatest.

Please download the app today and tell your students about it before the Holiday breaks.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Free Virtual College Fair- Cheaper than gas!

You are invited  to a free virtual college fair for the Southern United States!  This fair is scheduled for November 14th-19th.  Students can log on any time during this week to get information from many colleges.  There is a question and answer section for the students to get answers directly from college reps.  Students must go to to the students tab to register ASAP, and College Fairs Online will send them a reminder e-mail.  This service is completely free.  

Tell Us What You Think

We need to know what is going on in your child's school, and you have a perspective that is valuable to us at Social Circle High School.  Please take a few minutes to complete this survey that is attached to help us become even better at serving you and your students.  Parents may complete the survey using their personal computer, smartphone or tablet.  Survey responses are anonymous will be submitted directly to the GDOE to calculate a statewide accountability rating called the School Climate Star Rating within the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI).

Survey Link

Monday, November 14, 2016

Move On When Ready Parent Night- Save the Date!

Attention 9th, 10th and 11th Graders and their parents:

On December 1st at 6 bpm in the Cafeteria, The Social Circle Guidance Office will host a huge Move On When Ready information meeting for all who are interested in earning college credits while still in high school.  This meeting is a vital introduction for all who would seek to participated in the awesome, yet complex, program.  Attendance at this meeting will be the necessary ground work for all who would want to participate in 2017-18.  We will see you there!

Mike Kulp

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Various Nation-Wide Scholarship Possibilities

National level scholarships have many students who are eligible, which increases the amount of competition that a student can possibly face when applying.  On the other hand, national scholarships have a tougher time getting the word out about their scholarship than local scholarships do.  With this in mind, you may be very wise to look at these scholarships and apply for them, as you simply never know who you are competing against.  The more a student applies, the higher the likelihood that he or she will actually win a scholarship.  Attached below is a link to a newsletter from  Happy hunting!

November Edition