If you are interested in earning college credits while you are still in high school, increasing the rigor of your high school course load, and finding ways to cut the cost of college, then you are definitely interested in Move On When Ready. Move On When Ready (MOWR) is a program the the State of Georgia has put into place that allows students to take some or all of your classes at a local college and then have those credits be added to the high school transcript and count toward high school graduation requirements. Parents will remember this concept as "dual enrollment." MOWR options are available to all grade level, high school students and are a great way to jump start your life toward your future goals.
As great as this program is, there are some important things that students and parents have to know about navigating it. Please make plans to be at the Move On When Ready Information Night on Thursday, December the 1st at 6 pm in the Cafeteria at Social Circle High School. Due to the complexity of this great option, communication is critical to help you avoid bumps in the road. At this meeting, you will complete important documentation that will declare yourself a 'MOWR Candidate.' This will help keep the lines of communication open between you and the counselor. It will also help the counselor to be aware of your intentions moving forward, anticipate your needs and help with cutting through the red tape.
We will see you this Thursday night!