The primary job of Social Circle High School is to turn out students who are ready for the next chapters of life. It is not enough that we train you in the disciplines of writing complete sentences, solving linear equations, or in knowing the branches of government in and out. No, we are also charged with making sure that you have the skills to make it in the real, exciting world that awaits you on the other side of May 26th (graduation).
It with this responsibility in mind that SCHS is requiring all seniors to complete a capstone project. The attachment listed below covers the five things that must be done to check this requirement off the list. The Capstone Project is due by April 20th to your Redskin Advisor.
Special note to seniors in Mr. Kulp's Redskin Advisement:
If you are in Mr. Kulp's advisement because you are off campus most of the time due to being in Move On When Ready, you are required to turn this in to Mr. Kulp no later than April 20th.
Redskin Advisement Lesson on The Details about the Capstone Project
Capstone Information Sheet