The recent television series based upon the novel, Thirteen Reasons Why, has sparked praise and concern from many who seek to grapple with suicide and its impact on our society. This series roughly chronicles thirteen cassette taped recordings that were sent to various people by the main character who recently completed suicide. Many of these tapes were sent to people who were mean or bullied the main character. It was most likely the intent of the author to make all of us aware of the power of our words and actions on others who may be hurting. This is certainly an important point for us all to keep in mind as we deal with others.
It is my fear, however, that there was an unintended consequence of this story in that it causes a person who has experienced difficulties to focus on every infraction that a peer group makes and seeks to plan out a self -injurious, romanticized reaction designed to assign blame. For a person who is suffering depression, a more therapeutic course of action would be to focus on the things that are right. Maybe the old folks had it right when they sang in church, "Count Your Many Blessings."
If you are reading this and are struggling with depression or love someone who is, please know that what you are going through is real, and incredibly difficult. Amid all of the hurt that you are going through, shifting focus toward hope-filled things is grabbing hold of the life-line of protective factors that are all around you but are obscured by the fog that is your depression. I am shooting out a link that I stumbled across last night that is a open letter from a survivor to a friend who completed suicide. It is is titled "Thirteen Reasons Why Not." It offers so much hope to anyone reading this who might be dealing with thoughts of suicide.
Thirteen Reasons Why Not
Last, if you are struggling, let Mr. Kulp talk with you and help you. You are not in it alone, and this is a temporary thing you are going through. We got this, if you will come talk to me or another trusted counselor, pastor or friend.
P.S.- I will be at the school a lot this summer, but if I am not at school, here is a phone number that you can call to get help: 1 (800) 273-8255.