Tuesday, September 26, 2017

PSAT, ASVAB, or ACCUPLACER Test on October 11th

On Wednesday, October 11th, all juniors will take one of the following tests- PSAT, ACCUPLACER, or the ASVAB.  Students will designate in advisement which one that he or she would like to take next week.  The following guide will help both student and parent in this decision.

PSAT- This test is designed for students who are planning on going to college to practice and improve on the SAT, a test that will determine what schools will accept a student.  This may be a student's third time taking the PSAT, but unless he or she has achieved a satisfactory score on the SAT (1200 to  meet one of the qualifications for Zell Miller Scholarship is an example) then the PSAT is still important.   The cost is $16 and can be paid in the front office to Ms. Day or Mr. Armstrong.  Fee waivers are available for students who qualify.  Only students who register can take this test.

ASVAB- The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is a military-based test that measures a student's abilities in a variety of other areas than just academics.  These tests are required for students who wish to do any job with any of the branches of the military.  An added benefit for students is the vocational component of this test will help guide students in making decisions about careers.  All juniors who do not register for the Accuplacer nor the PSAT will be taking the ASVAB by default.  The cost for this test is $0.

ACCUPLACER-  This test is designed as an admissions test to many technical schools and can also be a placement exam used by two year colleges as well.  This test is used by Athens Tech, GMC and GA Piedmont Tech. for their Dual Enrollment programs.  Any junior who is contemplating Dual Enrollment for the senior year and one of these institutions would be smart to register for this test, which will be offered by Athens Tech.  All students who take this test will also be aided in completing an Athens Tech application.  Students wishing to take this test will register with their Redskin Advisor.  The cost for this test is $0.

PSAT Day at SCHS for 9th and 10th Grade Students

On Wednesday, October 11th, the entire morning from the start of school until lunch will be dedicated to 9th and 10th graders taking the PSAT.  The PSAT is a practice SAT that will give both the student and the parent insights into where you all stack up with this very important college admissions test format.  Every student who takes the PSAT will receive valuable test prep that is tailor made to his or her specific weaknesses that were revealed on the PSAT this October.  Students are advised to take this practice test seriously and to do their best on the 11th.

NO ACTION IS NECESSARY FOR 9TH AND 10TH GRADE STUDENTS TO REGISTER FOR THE PAST ADMINISTRATION.  Your 9th or 10th grader is already registered to take this test without any payment necessary.

Get Connected. Stay Connected.

Don't let a lack of knowledge derail your plans to graduate!  In this day in which we live, students have access to more information than ever before, but if we do not access that information, we are destined for failure.

A good example of this is Infinite Campus and reading a school email account where teachers communicate with students.  Keeping connected to these two resources will dramatically improve a student's grades in high school.  Sadly, we find that these two wonderful, free resources are under used by students all for the fact that they forgot a user name or password.  Ms. Spell, our incredible media specialist, has provided us with some guides to get back on.

Infinite Campus
IC User Name: last 2 digits of year they graduate first name.last name
                            Example: 88Linda.Spell

IC Password: Redskins and last 4 digits of Student #
                          Example: Redskins1234

Google Email
Email: last 2 digits of year they graduate first name.last name@socialcircleschools.org
                            Example: 88Linda.Spell@socialcircleschools.org

Email Password: Redskins and last 4 digits of Student #
                                Example: Redskins1234

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Financial Aid Information Night

Do you need money to help pay for your student's college education? Does the thought of applying for Federal Student Financial Aid scare the daylights out of you? Do you know what F. A. F. S. A. stands for?

If you answered yes, yes, no on these three questions, you gotta make plans to be at Social Circle's Media Center on Thursday, September 28th at 7 pm for our annual Financial Aid Parent Meeting.

This meeting will be geared toward parents of seniors, but anyone is welcomed to attend.  Students will not find this meeting to be beneficial, but are certainly welcomed to be there if desired.

Can't attend this meeting?  Maybe this will help:

One of Me, 544 Students

One of the biggest challenges that face students in every public high school is either not even knowing who their school counselor is because they have never seen him or her OR always feeling like the counselor is too busy because he or she is always behind closed door meetings.  This is a tough reality that faces public school students across the nation when they are seeking timely advice about college and career decisions.

While this situation makes timely college admissions information difficult to access, tools like this blog are designed to increase my student's access to high quality information.  The trick is to read it!

I am passing along another source that will definitely increase your college admissions IQ.  This guide contains information and advice related to all aspects of going to college, all the way from admissions, essay writing, financial aid, picking the right college and so much more!  Check out the web page below:


Monday, September 18, 2017

Is UGA on Your College Wish List?

The University of Georgia, our state's flagship university, offers over 130 majors to perspective students.  Click here to explore the majors offered.  Admission to UGA is an ever-increasing challenge to attain for high school students and one that requires early planning.  The freshman year is a great time to begin preparing the best resume and transcript possible, but even if your freshman year was not the best, sophomore and junior years are still important pieces in the admissions process.  The key is knowing what your goals are, and if UGA is your goal, you need to know UGA. It is with this in mind, I wanted to make you aware of two important opportunities coming up:

1) I will host a UGA Application Mini-Course during Redskin Advisement on Wednesday, September 20th.  This short class will teach you about the application process, offer up some pointers on making the application process simpler, help you strategize between Early Decision Application and Regular Decision Application, and will be a great way for underclassmen to learn about the admissions standards so that they can prepare to be a serious competitor when applying as a senior.

UGA Application Mini-Course Registration Form

2) This next event is for any 10th-12th grader who is in foster care or has been deemed "homeless" by the school board and is interested in UGA.  First Look is a program offered by the Office of Admission and Embark@UGA and will offer students in foster care or who are considered homeless an opportunity to tour the campus, opportunities to interact and meet with current students, faculty and staff to discuss available resources, information sessions highlighting admissions, merit-based scholarships and our nationally ranked facilities and amenities and lunch will be provided in the dining hall for invited students.  This event will take place on September 29th.  To register or to learn more about it, visit https://apply.uga.edu/register/?id=e913eb42-73f4-46d0-a6f2-8df99b240707

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Seniors and Juniors

If you were not able to come to the Senior and Junior Information Night Meeting, you missed a lot of great information.  At least you can have access to the Powerpoint and handouts that were used!

Junior and Senior Parent/Student Night PowerPoint and handouts from Aug. 31st, 2017