Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Get Connected. Stay Connected.

Don't let a lack of knowledge derail your plans to graduate!  In this day in which we live, students have access to more information than ever before, but if we do not access that information, we are destined for failure.

A good example of this is Infinite Campus and reading a school email account where teachers communicate with students.  Keeping connected to these two resources will dramatically improve a student's grades in high school.  Sadly, we find that these two wonderful, free resources are under used by students all for the fact that they forgot a user name or password.  Ms. Spell, our incredible media specialist, has provided us with some guides to get back on.

Infinite Campus
IC User Name: last 2 digits of year they graduate first name.last name
                            Example: 88Linda.Spell

IC Password: Redskins and last 4 digits of Student #
                          Example: Redskins1234

Google Email
Email: last 2 digits of year they graduate first name.last name@socialcircleschools.org
                            Example: 88Linda.Spell@socialcircleschools.org

Email Password: Redskins and last 4 digits of Student #
                                Example: Redskins1234