Friday, December the 1st is Apply to College Day at SCHS.
Wear your college/military shirt on Friday-We would like to make this a big deal for everyone by encouraging you to wear a t-shirt or sweatshirt with the college's name/logo that you are either going to or planning on applying to. If you are headed to the military, get your pride plastered across your chest! We want to celebrate the fact that you are bound for something better than your parents' couch, so show that post-secondary-pride!
Get that College Application Done- We are going to take over a computer lab for as long as it takes to make sure that every senior at Social Circle has their college application done. We are bringing in a bunch of expert help who will be there to work with students to complete a college application, send a transcript and possibly send SAT/ACT scores if needed. Here is what you will need:
- a decision about what college you want to apply to.
- your log in to,, and/or If you forgot them, look in the notebook that Mr. Kulp gave to you at your senior meeting or use the "forgot password" feature that is on every one of these sites.
- a credit card to pay application fees/test score fees (If parents are not comfortable sending in the credit card, fees can be paid later on at home.) (In some cases, students who qualify for fee waivers can have these fees waived- ask your counselor.)
- Register for your own help sessions to knock this task out by completing the form below: