Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Parents of Seniors- Important Information

Hello Senior Parents/Guardians:
You have made it to the final semester! We are in the home stretch and this semester will fly by! We wanted you to be aware of important senior dates.  Attached is a calendar for the semester highlighting senior events.

One major event for the seniors is Senior Week.  This will be April 30 - May 4.  We need your help to celebrate our seniors and the accomplishments they have made.

We will have a PARENT/GUARDIAN meeting:
March 27th - 6pm - Cafeteria

We ask that the students not come to the meeting because we will be planning the activities for the seniors during senior week.  You will also receive information regarding graduation.

Progress Reports will be going out next week. Take this opportunity to check with your senior and their progress on their classes! March 23rd is the deadline for missing work in Senior Classes.

​If you have an questions, please let me know!
We hope to see you March 27th!!​