Friday, September 28, 2018

Class of 2021 (Sophomores) and Class of 2022 (Freshmen)

If you missed the Parent/Student Night held earlier in the month, we rolled out the new honor graduate system that has been put into place for your class.  Going forward with these two graduating classes, honor grads will be recognized for the following:

  • 93.0 numeric average will be a Cum Laude (means "with praise") graduate 
  • 95.0 numeric average will be a Magna Cum Laude (means "with great praise") graduate
  • 97.0 numeric average will be a Summa Cum Laude (means "with highest praise")
The numeric average is an average of every final grade earned to date.  The classes a student is currently taking are not considered in this calculation as they are not final.  Honor graduates are named at the end of the SEVENTH semester, which is in January of the senior year.  There is no rounding when awarding these designations- 92.999 will not qualify.
Along with this change, all graduates of the Class of 2021 and 2022 (and more going forward) will wear red robes.  The honor designation will be made by the stoles, not white or red robes.