Now is the time to finish up any college applications still looming over your head! If you need help or are eligible for a fee waiver, please come see Ms. Justice!
Application Deadlines:
Georgia Tech- January 1st
University of Georgia- January 1st
Georgia College- Priority for Bridge Scholars Program: February 1st, Regular: April 1st
University of North Georgia- February 15th
Georgia State University- Priority: March 1st, Regular: June 1st
Columbus State- Priority: March 15th, Regular: June 30th
Georgia Gwinnett College- May 1st
Georgia Southern- May 1st
Middle Georgia State University- Priority: May 16th, Regular: June 13th
Kennesaw State- June 1st
University of West Georgia- June 1st
Albany State- July 1st
Augusta University- July 1st
Clayton State- July 15th
Savannah State- July 15th
Fort Valley State University- July 19th
***If you have already completed your college applications, make sure you also send the schools your transcript and test scores (SAT/ACT/ACCUPLACER). Keep checking your admissions status to see all the documents they have and have not received. The next steps are completing your FAFSA an continuing to fill out scholarship applications. Good luck and please contact Ms. Justice at if you have any questions!