Thursday, February 21, 2019

Growth Comes from Trying, Not Necessarily in Winning

Registration for 2019-2020 classes will begin in the next few weeks.  Many students and parents will start contemplating course planning for next year.  Whether it it s a current ninth grader who is looking to get in all of the "required" courses, along with some fun ones too, OR you are a senior who is trying to expand the amount of rigor taken to better prepare for the tough stuff that is coming as a freshman in college, all are having to calculate success-to-failure ratios.

Success-to-failure ratio is that essential question that we all ask when we are standing on the edge of the high dive board.  "Is this going to work out ok if I jump, or am I going to end up with the mother of all cherry-bellies when I rotate into a full belly flop?"  In short, if I do something scary, will things work out? Will I fail? Will I succeed? One thing is for sure, I WILL grow!

Here is a great article from Rick Clark, Georgia Tech Admissions Director, that addresses these issues.  If you do not follow his blog, you are missing out on some great wisdom.

Success Isn't Guaranteed, Try Anyway!