This is a very different day for students at SCHS. Wednesday morning will have most students testing from 8-12:30, either taking the PSAT (Practice SAT), the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) or the ACCUPLACER (test used by two-year/technical colleges for admission). Seniors and Juniors, not testing, will attend a field trip to either a college or a local industry. Students have worked with their advisors to register for the activity they will do on Wednesday. Of course, there are permission slips that need to be completed for the field trips and those should have already been turned in.
The last half of the day will be a great opportunity for students who are NOT doing well in their classes to work with teachers to make up any missing work or retake a tests. This is a great time for students to get their affairs in order, and any student not passing is crazy for not participating in this event.
Students will bring home a blue permission form to have you sign stating that you are in support of your student leaving early. Only sign this if you are satisfied with the grades your student has, and do not see a need for him or her to stay for the entire day to work with his or her teachers.
Any student who does not have a form, will not be allowed to leave early.
In case your student who is doing well in classes has lost their permission form, here is a copy:
Leave Early Permission Form