Monday, February 24, 2020

ASA Tuten Memorial GFSA Scholarship

Seniors Please look at this

The 2020 Asa Tuten Memorial – GFSA Essay Contest Is On! 1,000 words may be all that stand between a student and up to $1500 in scholarship funds!

For thirty two years, the Georgia Fire Sprinkler Association essay contest has exposed thousands of high school seniors and their families to the life safety and property protection attributes of fire sprinklers.

The Georgia Fire Sprinkler Association awards scholarships annually in the amount of $1500$1000, and $750 to high school seniors through an essay writing contest. 

The link for complete information and details is:

The deadline for entries is March 18, 2020.  I would greatly appreciate if you could forward this email to the appropriate individuals at your high school; or if you can provide me with the contact information, I will be glad to notify them myself.

We look forward to your students’ participation in the contest.

Thank you,

Angela Dukes
Atlanta Sprinkler Inspection & Maintenance Company
for Georgia Fire Sprinkler Association