A great place for seniors of Social Circle High School to find money is this very website. In the Scholarship Postings tab at the top of the page, seniors will find many scholarship opportunities, some of which are going to go to one or more SCHS seniors. Why not you? Check those out and get to work on them. Due dates are capable of changing, so watch the blog page for updates.
If you want to expand the cast net a little wider, here is another killer resource: https://jlvcollegecounseling.com/ You will be able to search out scholarships that are available on the national level here by "special interest" qualifiers.
Understanding the Whole Financial Aid Process
Dr. Andrew Moe, an advocate for small rural high schools and college access has put together a slide presentation that will guide families through the financial aid process. This resource will walk a family of a senior through every corner that money can be found. This resource can serve as a great tool for a family of a junior, sophomore or a freshman too.Financial Aid and Scholarships Guidance