futuristic gadgetry which enabled the show's hero, Dan Briggs, and his team of spies to save the world each night from the exploits of Cold War counter agents. This television show was called Mission Impossible. In later years, a whole movie series which featured Tom Cruise as its main character went on to produce six action-packed movies.
At the beginning of each television episode, Dan Briggs would inconspicuously be delivered an audio tape and tape player hidden in a briefcase, a mailbox or a sandwich which would detail specific information about a plot to cause a disruption to our American way of life. At the end of each tape, the concerned government operative would finish with these words...
"your mission, should you choose to accept it, is..."
Today, COVID-19, has come and disrupted our way of life, to say the least. It has caused us to reevaluate how we do school. It also has ushered in fear and uncertainty. It has caused us to hunker down and value the things that are irreplaceable- family and time. We have a mission during these two and half weeks away from campus to keep our heads about us, to tend to the things that will open doors for us later on and to continue to grow in knowledge and wisdom. This is our mission, should we choose to accept it.
The temptation will be to binge watch everything we can on Netflix or to play 100 hours straight of Fortnite, but the time that social distancing is giving us must be used to plant seeds that will produce a great crop when the proverbial "sun" starts to shine later on. Some who are reading this are seniors who DESPERATELY need to bring grades up to passing. Some are students who have a passion for computing and could use this time to learn coding. Some are students who want to pursue music and should be practicing their instrument. Whatever your goals, use this time to master the skills necessary to open that door for you later on. This is your mission, should you choose to accept it.
Fear not! You have a whole team of professionals working with you to make your mission possible. Your teachers have been working incredibly hard to put together meaningful work that will allow your education to continue to move forward even though we are not assembled together in the classroom. Tend to these things! This learning counts, and you can help to increase the likelihood that you have your affairs in order. Reach out to your teachers, as they will be reaching out to you. Read emails! Watch and react to Remind updates! Let me, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Hargrove or Ms. Ledford-Lyle know if you do not have access to technology as we have some suggestions to offer to help. We are planning about two hours of things for you to do each day, which is the expectation going forward through this. This one responsibility will help you to continue to learn the things necessary for you to pass your classes. This is your mission, should you choose to accept it.
I will be sending out daily blog entries that will provide you with other things that you can do with your other 22 hours of the day that will help you prepare for the future. Now is the time to take advantage of this influx of free time. Do not waste this opportunity! Read these entries which will have links to resources for self improvement and study skills advice. This is your mission, should you chose to accept it.
I challenge each of the Redskin family to accept this mission. Just as it was for Dan Briggs, so it is for us. To not accept the mission would mean to allow the things you hold important to be abandoned, compromised and ultimately destroyed. Will it be easy to press on through this? No, but the pain of meeting the challenge of this mission will pale in comparison to the pain of regret for not tending to these important things. This is your mission...ACCEPT IT!
your counselor in the good times and the bad,
Mr. Kulp