Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Parent: Do You Need Help with Childcare?

The Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) is now offering families the ability to search for child care for school age children enrolled in distance learning. With many parents returning to work, families are not always able to stay at home and assist their children with virtual instruction. The search is offered on or by calling 1-877- ALL-GA-KIDS.

“School age children are returning to their classes, with many school systems opting for distance learning through virtual classes,” said DECAL Commissioner Amy M. Jacobs. “We are hearing from parents who, because of work commitments, cannot stay home with their children. Others might not feel qualified to assist their children and give them the best experience. In this pandemic, Georgia’s child care industry stands ready to assist school age children and their families and we appreciate them answering the call.”

Press Release: