Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Individual Senior Meetings- Appointments Available

When people my age I meet find out that I am a school counselor, the thing that I always hear from them is "I don't ever remember talking with my school counselor."  Times are definitely different for student/counselor relationships, for today's students cannot afford to forgo meeting with their guidance counselor in navigating the complicated waters of high school and post secondary options.  It is my goal that no Social Circle High School student ever say in honesty that he or she did not know me.  One way that I do this is Senior and Junior Meetings.

These meetings (seniors in the fall, juniors in the spring) are a one on one time that affords a student and their parents to be able to have about an hour of my undivided attention to answer things like:

  • What do I have left to take to graduate on time?
  • What exam(s) do I need to take to be accepted into the school/program that I want to do after graduation?
  • How am I sitting with HOPE eligibility?
  • How do I handle applications for college and scholarships?
Seniors, I am ready for ya!  Let's get your meeting on the books by emailing me at mike.kulp@socialcircleschools.org.    I can meet before, after or during school.  Email me and let's get your appointment set.  I cannot wait to se what you end up doing with your life.  This meeting will be a great launchpad.