Friday, March 31, 2017

A Great Read for College-Bound Students of Any Age & Their Parents

Georgia Tech's Admissions Office publishes a blog that is very insightful and well written.  This entry will help students and their parents to set the proper mind frame in your approaches to figuring out the pathways you will take in the future.  Check it out.

Embrace Your Inner Kindergartner

Delta Sigma Theta' Cotillion Program

If you are interested in learning more about a local cotillion program, click on the link below.

UGA Animal Science Summer Program

Students who are interested in Animal Science and are looking for a summer program that will explore this important field and will advance the participant's knowledge, will want to check out this exciting opportunity at the University of Georgia.  UGA Animal Science in Action is focused towards rising Juniors and Seniors.  This special event is scheduled for June 8th and 9th in Athens.  Application deadline is set for April 28th

GMC On-Line Move On When Ready Classes for 2017-2018

Georgia Military College offers Move On When Ready courses all on-line to SCHS students.  This unique program offers the ultimate in flexibility and in the need for responsibility.  They are on the quarter system, so students can take up to two classes on-line each eight week quarter.  This means that a student can earn the 8 required credits by the end of the school year across the four quarters.

This year, we have had approximately 40 students take a MOWR class through GMC.  Students have enjoyed the flexibility of the class, but have also learned that daily responsibility is a must with this program.  It is not easy; after all, it is college.  We have also had a good number of students carry an A average in these classes.  So what is the difference between the two results? Task management, without much adult intervention.

If your student would like to participate in GMC's MOWR Program next school year, He or she must have a qualifying test score:
  • SAT- Critical Reading- 430/Math- 400
  • ACT- English- 17/Math- 17
  • Accuplacer- Reading- 74/Writing- 76/Math- 53
If your student needs to take the Accuplacer, GMC will be at SCHS on April 11th at 9:30 to give it during the school day.  This test is free, but the student must register to be able to take the test.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Engineering Class Offered to Freshmen and Sophomores in 2017-18

A new course option has just been made available to rising freshmen and sophomores (currently 8th graders and 9th graders).  Introduction to Engineering will be offered on-line to students who are interested in Engineering or Drafting as a career option for the future.  This class will be offered during the school day in a supervised lab and will require students to log in to take this class from a teacher teaching it remotely.

Because of the nature of engineering, it is recommended that a student be a solid math student (at least a B in accelerated math or an A in on-level math).  Also, because of the nature of on-line courses, students who work well without a lot of adult intervention/encouragement to complete tasks are best suited for success.  The most important ingredient in your student's success in this class is a deep interest in learning more about engineering.

On Wednesday, March 29th at 2:30 pm, we will host a meeting for students who are interested in this opportunity.  No commitment is required by coming to this meeting, so if you even think you might be interested, complete the registration form linked below and make plans on attending!

Register for the Intro to Engineering Information Session

Spelman College Is Coming to Atlanta

Spelman, an all-girl, Historically Black College, will be hosting a meeting in Athens, Georgia on April 29th.  Spelman is an exceptional school who does way more than just bestow degrees.  They pride themselves in raising up strong women who impact their families, communities and world.  If you are looking for a glimpse into what life in an all-girl, Historically Black College is like, this meeting will be a great way to gain this perspective.

Spelman Information Session

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Move On When Ready Students- New Rule You Need to Know

 For the 2017-18 School Year and beyond- PE classes at the college will only be funded for students who are taking 12 or more hours of college credit in the semester where a PE class at the college is taken.

Check out the full details by clicking here

Monday, March 20, 2017

One Last Thing that Seniors Need to Do...


The primary job of Social Circle High School is to turn out students who are ready for the next chapters of life.  It is not enough that we train you in the disciplines of writing complete sentences, solving linear equations, or in knowing the branches of government in and out.  No, we are also charged with making sure that you have the skills to make it in the real, exciting world that awaits you on the other side of May 26th (graduation).

It with this responsibility in mind that SCHS is requiring all seniors to complete a capstone project. The attachment listed below covers the five things that must be done to check this requirement off the list.  The Capstone Project is due by April 20th to your Redskin Advisor.

Special note to seniors in Mr. Kulp's Redskin Advisement:
If you are in Mr. Kulp's advisement because you are off campus most of the time due to being in Move On When Ready, you are required to turn this in to Mr. Kulp no later than April 20th.

Redskin Advisement Lesson on The Details about the Capstone Project

Capstone Information Sheet

Friday, March 17, 2017

Important Dates and Information for Seniors

Important dates for seniors:

Friday, March 24th- Herff Jones will be here during both lunch with graduation items. Please bring cash or money order.

Now through Friday March 24:  See Ms. Joiner to order a senior t-shirt

All Honor Graduates need to see Ms. Spell the week of 3/20 about Golden Apples.

Senior Week will be April 24th - 28th
Seniors must be passing all of their classes to participate in the activities.

Reconcilliation Day:  May 2nd

This is the last day to turn in missing work to take care of zeros in the gradebook and to have all retakes from past tests completed.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Interested in Game Design, Robots or Drones? Here Is a Career Possibility.

What is Emerging Technologies?  Emerging Technologies are programs that are tied to robotics, drone technology, and game design.  These programs are offered at the Athens Tech Monroe campus. They will be hosting an open house on March 22nd 2:30-4:00.  This unique program is an option for more than just graduating seniors; Move On When Ready students who are interested in learning these skills are also encouraged to attend this event.  Moms and dads, you can take these classes too!

Attached blow is a flyer with more information on this event.

Emerging Technologies Program at Athens Tech

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wish You Knew How to Get Driver's Ed. Paid for?

The Georgia Driver's Education Grant Has been set up to assist families in paying for this program that is required to get a diver's license at age 16.  These classes can be quite expensive!  This program will award funds to cover the cost of the driver's education program that the family chooses.  Applications can be completed at  For more information, click on the link below.

Georgia Driver's Education Grant Information

Monday, March 13, 2017

The GASSP/LifeTouch Scholarship

The Georgia Association of Secondary School Principals in conjunction with LifeTouch School Photography is please to offer a scholarship to an aspiring senior.  Applications are due by March 24th, 2017.

GASSP/LifeTouch Scholarship

Friday, March 10, 2017

The Kenneth Fortson Scholarship

The Kenneth Fortson Scholarship will be awarded to a Social Circle High School graduating senior who has participated in at least 1 year of Christian Learning Center (in middle or high school), plans to continue his or her education, and seeks to fulfill God's call on his or her life to make an impact on our world for Christ.  The scholarship will consist of a one time gift of $500, payable to the educational institution the student plans to attend.  Applications are due no later than 3:00 pm on Thursday, April 13th.

The Kenneth Fortson Scholarship Application

Thinking about a Service Academy for Your College Plans?

Please read this announcement from Senator Isakson:

Each year one of my duties as a United States Senator is to nominate qualified candidates to the United States military academies. This year I, along with members of the Georgia Congressional Delegation, will host our annual statewide academy event to familiarize students with the application and nomination process and to expose them to academy life.
          The spring Academy Day will be held on Saturday, April 29, 2017, from 10:00-11:30 AM at Dobbins Air Reserve Base located at 1408 Dobbins Place, Dobbins ARB, Marietta, GA 30069. Guests should arrive as early as 9:00 AM to clear security and to visit information tables. Representatives from all five academies as well as cadets and midshipmen will be in attendance and ready to answer questions. The event is targeted to students grades 8-12 and their parents. All attendees must make a reservation due to security restrictions and present photo identification to the Cobb Parkway checkpoint for admittance onto the base.
          All persons who are interested in attending must make a reservation by registering online at by the registration deadline of 5:00 PM, Monday, April 17, 2017. No exceptions will be made. Students who wish to attend should visit the academy page on my web site and follow the prompts to register. Each person, including parents, who will attend Academy Day must register due to the requirements for entry onto the military base.
          Please make this information available to your college counselors and your students. I am attaching an Academy Day flyer for you to distribute. Information on this event and the academy process will appear on my web site, It will be beneficial to check the web site before the event to monitor any last minute information or changes. If you need any additional information, please contact my Academy Director, Nancy Brooks, in my state office by calling (770) 661-0741.
Johnny Isakson
United States Senator

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Are You Interested in Winning a Local Scholarship?

For many years in Social Circle, dedicated individuals and organizations have sought to recognize and reward outstanding seniors who are moving forward with their educational plans beyond high school.  This year, those same individuals have expressed an interest in awarding scholarships to Social Circle High School seniors from the Class of 2017.

The following scholarships will be awarded to Social Circle High School students exclusively:
  • Athens First Radford Scholarship for $500
  • Certainteed Scholarship for $1000
  • Dally Scholarship for $1000 (renewable for four years)
  • Deadwyler Scholarship for $500
  • Pinnacle Bank for $500
  • Rotary Scholarships, four for $300 each
  • Walton County Foundation for an undisclosed amount
  • Walton County Retired Educators Association for $250
Please know that other scholarships may contact us after this announcement is published, so this list may grow.

This year, we have formulated a common application for students to complete which will put them in the running for each of the scholarships listed above!  One application for seven (or more) scholarships; that makes things easy!

Only students who complete the attached scholarship application will be in the running for these scholarships.  The odds for this scholarship competition are the best around, so do not neglect to take care of this one by April 17th.  If you have questions, email Mr. Kulp at

The David Skinner Scholarship for Agriculture Seniors

The Georgia Development Authority is pleased to offer the 2017 David Skinner GDA Scholarship to seniors who are interested in pursuing a degree in Agriculture or an Ag.-related field.  This scholarship is worth $1000 and all application materials are due no later than May 1st.  

The David Skinner Scholarship Application

David Skinner Scholarship Information

Junior Meetings

Attention juniors and the parents of juniors:

You are owed an hour of Mr. Kulp's professional time to come in and get some great counsel on mapping out the next two years of life (and maybe beyond).  In this meeting, we will answer life's mysteries, like "what is left for me to take in order to graduate in May 2018?" Or, "what is my HOPE GPA and how doe I apply to get HOPE $?"  How about the always popular, "what tests do I need to knock out to do what I want to do and how do I register to take them?"  And there is the perennial favorite, "what do I need to know about applying to college/tech school or enlisting in the Armed Services?"  Wow!  You won't believe all that we [you, Mr. Kulp, and your parent(s)] will cover in this meeting.

To date, 27 of your peers have had this meeting, which means that there are 123 of you who have not scheduled this yet!  We need to knock this out ASAP so that your student goes into the summer knowing all that has to be done to be ready to transition to life beyond high school.  I need all of you to stop what you are doing and send Mr. Kulp an email to request a meeting-  I look forward to days filled with these small intimate meetings with the awesome SCHS juniors!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Parents of Seniors: Are you Worried about $$ for College?

Here is a great post about Financial Aid packages/offers that you are receiving after you have completed the FAFSA. Understanding the financial aid game is a huge part of assisting our kids with college planning.  Check it out!

Determining the best fit after after financial aid letters have gone out

Monday, March 6, 2017

The Sedonna Wood Polhill Memorial Scholarship

The Sodonna Wood Polhill Memorial Foundation will be presenting a scholarship to a graduating senior who has participated in at least 1 year of CLC (in middle or high school), plans to continue their education, and seeks to fulfill God's call on their life to make an impact on our world for Christ.  The scholarship will consist of a one time gift of $500, payable to the educational institution the student plans to attend.  Applications are due no later than 3:00 pm on Thursday, April 13th

Sedonna Wood Polhill Memorial Scholarship Application