Friday, March 31, 2017

GMC On-Line Move On When Ready Classes for 2017-2018

Georgia Military College offers Move On When Ready courses all on-line to SCHS students.  This unique program offers the ultimate in flexibility and in the need for responsibility.  They are on the quarter system, so students can take up to two classes on-line each eight week quarter.  This means that a student can earn the 8 required credits by the end of the school year across the four quarters.

This year, we have had approximately 40 students take a MOWR class through GMC.  Students have enjoyed the flexibility of the class, but have also learned that daily responsibility is a must with this program.  It is not easy; after all, it is college.  We have also had a good number of students carry an A average in these classes.  So what is the difference between the two results? Task management, without much adult intervention.

If your student would like to participate in GMC's MOWR Program next school year, He or she must have a qualifying test score:
  • SAT- Critical Reading- 430/Math- 400
  • ACT- English- 17/Math- 17
  • Accuplacer- Reading- 74/Writing- 76/Math- 53
If your student needs to take the Accuplacer, GMC will be at SCHS on April 11th at 9:30 to give it during the school day.  This test is free, but the student must register to be able to take the test.