Monday, September 19, 2016

SAT/ACT Test Prep Options

Over the years of working with students, I have heard many times that "my child is just not a good test-taker" like it is a genetic disposition.  This is simply not the case... Good test prep can train students to be better test takers and can in most cases raise scores.

Finding test prep options in the area can be a bit challenging, but here is one you won't even have to leave home to get.

UGA offers SAT and ACT preparation courses to help you apply proven principles for successful testing.  In eight live, on-line sessions, you'll interact with an expert instructor, just as you would in a classroom.  These classes will start either October 4th or November  1st and will meet virtually on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

SAT/ACT Test Prep Class Information

If you are looking for FREE test prep, check out