Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Accuplacer Test Option

On October the 19th, Social Circle will give the PSAT to all 9th and 10th grade students.  If your child is in 9th or 10th, the rest of this message is not for you.

The 11th grade students have the option to take one of the following on the 19th:

  • ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery)- for students who are considering the military as a career or students who have no clue about what they want to do for a career.  This exam will provide students with guidance on careers that fit students well.  There is no charge to take this exam, and all juniors are registered to take the ASVAB automatically if they do not register for the PSAT or the Accuplacer.

  • Accuplacer- Athens Tech will be here to admister this test for students who plan on attending a technical college after graduation.  This test is a placement exam for certificate and diploma programs at the technical college.  If you believe that this is the direction that your student is aiming for, then this is a great test option.  There is no charge to take this exam, and we have 28 spots to take this test, which will go to the first 28 who register.  To register, simply click on the following link: Accuplacer Registration

  • PSAT- This practice SAT is for students who plan on going to college.  Registration for this test has been going on through Mr. Armstrong for weeks now, and he still may have a couple of more spots for juniors.  The cost is $15.  See Mr. Armstrong if you want to take it and are not already registered.
12th grade students will have a class meeting and will be going on a field trip to local industry.  A permission form should be coming home by your student and must be completed and returned to your 12th grader's advisor.  Seniors are also allowed to take the Accuplacer (see above) that day and must register by going to this link: Accuplacer Registration.  Please note that 12th graders can only do one or the other, not both.