Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Class of 2019 Graduates Headed to Athens Tech

Here is a SCHOLARSHIP that could put $2500 in your pocket for Athens Tech!

Scholarships for the fall semester open on Friday, June 14th and will remain open until July 15th. The B. Frank Coggins, Jr. Legacy Scholarship (High School) is for students within our service area that are graduating from a local school and enrolling at Athens Technical College. If you know of any students that fit this requirement, please have them create a profile on ( and apply for the scholarship. Over the past couple of semesters we have had the scholarship go unused.  The total value of the scholarship is $2,500 over two terms.

Please let Mr. Boynton know if you have any questions.

Antoine D. Boynton
Executive Director of Public Relations and Institutional Advancement
Phone: (706) 583-2552