Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Recommendation Letters... There is a RIGHT Way to Ask!

Here is a great guide that will prepare students to ask people for recommendation letters.  You would think that getting a rec. letter is as simple as walking right in to your favorite teacher or coach and verbally asking him or her to write a letter.  There is a lot more to it than that!  The first link below is a step-by-step lesson from the College Essay Guy, a true expert in helping students write their best college essays.

How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation

Here is a great form that you can complete and give to the person you are seeking a letter from.  It will help them write a great letter!  It is long, but the investment you make in completing this will by super helpful to the teacher, who will probably spend one to two hours crafting a letter. 

Student Information for College Recommendation

Some reasons you might need a recommendation letter:
- College admissions requirement
- Scholarship application process
- Job application process
- admissions into a special program, like Governor's Honors, competitive summer programs at colleges, etc.