Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Do You Need Tutoring Help in Your Classes?

Tutoring is sometimes a necessary part of a student's education.  The statement, "I just don't understand this stuff." is not a reason to give up!  It is the voice inside telling you that it is time to do more.  What does more look like?  Well, it starts with getting help.  Tutoring is a wonderful way to have thing reexplained to you.  Tutoring usually is worth $30-$45 an hour, but fortunately, as a SCHS student, you have free tutoring help available to you through our BETA Club!

The BETA Club will offer tutoring in the foreign languages, English, science and social studies.  Math help will be offered through the math teachers in our dedicated math department on Fridays.  If you want help in any of these subjects, use the steps listed below:

Help in math is accessible by coordinating with your math teach.  Please tell him or her that you want to sign up for help in math.

Help in science, social studies, English, or foreign language?  Click here.